
Walking through Hong Kong, you'll find all types of female versions of electronics packed with lotion, perfumes, etc....

Whatever happened to the dude that napster was named after? Shawn something?...

I bought a handful of the Brando mini directional mic's for the iPhone. Turns the iPhone into a great handheld camcorder... Can't see spending the extra cash for this device... Although it is very cool....

Dude... That...was... AWESOME!!!

Hmmm, do I want the off-white stucco house or the light beige stucco house?

I wonder how well the walls would stand up to dings and dents???

It's almost crap-tastic... Almost. But I agree with Ian below... The stitching looks sloppy...

I have not visited Giz for FOUR days having been out of the country and at a company off-site meeting for the last 4 work days. AGHHHH!!!

I wonder if apps ever get kicked up to El Jobso for a quick once over when the crew on the ground can't decipher the rules.

You know, our team at work always had issues making iChat work correctly. We ended up sticking with Skype.

@judacris: I'm still waiting for the elusive white whale version... Damn you Apple for making me wait so long!!!! ARGH!!!

Different strokes....

@Dodge2002: I see what you did there... A greater truth has never been spoken...

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: My name isn't common... in the USA... but now that the world is connected, I'm competing with guys from Mexico to the tip of South America....

Whoa... Lot's of overtime for the tech on Photoshop....

I had to hand over all my electronic equipment to my brother, the best man before our wedding....

Great photo....