
I guess the team at Apple is taking an extra long Labor Day weekend....

@blackcat12: You know, it wasn't so much the finger as a nudge to the side. I was quite aware when I bought my aTV that it wasn't the end-all be-all answer but it was and is still great for what it does.

@ColinJobonee: Thanks for the input Colin. It looks like the team over at FireCore will already be working on it. So, I'm hopeful they will figure something out.

Okay, okay. My slight anger has subsided. Maybe the ATV Flash guys will figure out how to get Netflix running on the older Apple TV's with an upgrade to their software.

This is just all kinds of awesome... Thanks for sharing!!!

@A.Jaswal: My buddies and I here at the office caught the same thing!

Anyway you look at it, for certain groups of iTunes users, this is probably going to work well.

What about an announcement for availability of the elusive white whale iPhone 4???

Younger kids still use iPods by the bucket-full... Probably a great marketing move to revamp the model, so parents don't have to shell out bigger bucks for the iPod Touch or even an iPhone....

I'm sure this is a "publisher" issue, but this would be great as an e-book. Thanks Anna, very interesting work!

Yup... I think the locals call that the laptop sculpture....

@badasscat: They may have piece-mealed it together from different units to take the photo... It's interesting to surf through eBay and find odds and ends here and there... Maybe that's what happened here?

Chapter 7 or Chapter 11???

@Celtic1888: I guess that would depend on who your "friends" were... If that's the case I'd have to de-friend all of my nieces and nephews....

Great post. Amazing to see how much things have changed in just 30 years...