
@minibeardeath: Possibly late night TV infomercials for OTC drugs, diets and supplements??? I'm guessing. Insurance commercials maybe estate planning?

Here come the nightmares...

@Tycho Vhargon: Awesome. Actually, after I graduated in '98, I still lived in my 'hood apartment off campus and one of the first things I did was sign up for cable broadband. According to the cable guy, I was his first install in the 3 block area. I had the bandwidth ALL TO MYSELF.

Dang it. Why did it have to land on my wedding anniversary? Doubt the better half would want to spend the talking about tech... Oh well, maybe next time.

Woohoo! It's still up and the hack still works... 3:42 PM PST

Damn you Los Angeles light pollution..... The only stars I ever see are walking through the Grove or the Farmers Market... and they don't shine as brightly...

@Belgand: HA! I guess it does sound like that.... I don't know if it would have gone THAT far, but she did listen to their music A LOT.

Felicidades Jesus!!!

@liftedngifted1: Don't get me wrong. They are a great band and I enjoy their music...

@mecha2142: ....dang whipper snappers... ten years ago... seven years old.... Meh....

Is it possible to have too much Mana? According to my ex-college girlfriend, no. Hence, the "ex" prefix.

@uncle_jojo: Awesome everyone. Thanks for the great feedback. I've just learned that in my neighborhood here in LA, we have the option between FIOS, U-Verse or Time Warner.

Grumble, grumble. Is this one of those "it will remain open as long as we're in charge" kind of things?...

Can anyone lend some thoughts/experience on having made the switch from TimeWarner to U-verse in the greater Los Angeles area? Speed? Costs? Service?

I'm still on the fence about waiting... but these photos help remind me what I'm waiting for.