
Maybe there's something there that can keep Jobs and others living well into their 100's.... Here come the heads in jars....

@sega8800: Thats interesting. In LA, as long as it says "fail" you can park.

Dude.... LA is so stuck in the 20th century.... Our meters don't work half the time and we still pay for dudes to walk around with rolling safes to off load the dimes, nickels and quarters...

Dude... Mr. Loftus was working hard this Sunday evening... Didn't know Blam and Chen were such slave drivers!!

@orthorim: Well.... Everyone at our company bought iPhones and our IT team killed all the BB's.... I was carrying around two devices for about 4 weeks, and that proved to be very cumbersome. So we all jumped in with two feet into Apple.

Wow. A straight half-n-half rating....

@Zinger314: We should make a list of which actors would play which people on the Giz staff....

It's still up. 2:16PM on the West Coast.... go get it!!!

@ExtraDas: I wanna know more about this Christmas you speak of with the coke, hookers and shitty food where you throw up at the end...

@Nelson: Grew up with Giz.... Man-o-man... That's just freakin' blowing my mind man....

What's crazy is reading through the comments below of people who were barely any older than Giz is now, when Giz first started.... Dang.

@Samurai I-am-awry: TEENAGER!?!?!?! What the chunk? Dude, I am getting OLD... Thanks.

WHAT?!?! Dang scientists... Couldn't they just say that the torosaurs didn't exist and IT was just an older version of the triceratops???

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Wow.... That was a big bucket of kick-ass if ever there was one... Dang.

Well, I guess Jesus has a 50/50 chance of being right, so why not make a prediction like this?

Man... I may as well thrown in the towel now and go order the black one..... Dang it.