
What would be really crazy is if the info on these cards was actually embedded on a chip inside each of the seven peoples bodies....

@Martian Yeti: You know, I never thought of that... If you read it out loud, it should be 'a "double-A" battery'... but written out, it should be "an"....

@BulletProofVess: Hi! I have to agree with Michael below. I've owned my MacBook Pro now since 2007 and the damn thing keeps on trucking. It's the pre-unibody model.

Love the art on top of this article... Kudos to the artist....

@Hello Mister Walrus: I think it has always been the norm for most research universities.... It's just more accessible now via the web/internet/etc....

Isn't call recording illegal in some states without expressed permission by both parties?

Meeee and my cousins, you and your cousins... I can feel it coming....

@kindiboy: Thanks for the insight! I'll check it out!!

This will probably end very badly...

@trs: I think to have made a mustache like that, he did first invent the universe....

@kindiboy: That's interesting. I haven't heard that to often. Are there any special reasons why not?

I've been waiting for the white iPhone 4... But articles like this get my curiosity up about android. Having to wait longer for the great white whale might push me overboard into an evo...

NOOOOOO!!!!! Darn you Apple!!! (shaking old man fist WITH cane)

Dang it. This is one of those, "why didn't I think about this first" moments...

So what does this mean for the average to above average user who doesn't surf for pron, warez and torrents?

Please be aware that there are some states where there are laws on the books which have been used against regular folks photographing and video taping the police. New York, Illinois, Mass., Minn., just to name a few.

@ddhboy: I have to agree with you... especially about the artists making their money playing gigs... not mega-shows, but gigs.

@tkavil3: You know what? I think there was actually a cult or movement or something where adults in the late 70's early 80's were attending seminars where they were forced to hold their urine for the length of the seminar. That was actually part of the "program"..... Fire up the google...