
I still believe Best Buy purchasing Radio Shack (for the right price) is a good idea. They compliment each other in many ways...

@Channan: 7 numbers? You actually still remember people's numbers?... I can barely remember mine without looking it up... Maybe I'll jump in the tar pit with you?..

You know... It was a pretty good flick. It wasn't Pixar or Kung Fu Panda good... But entertaining... All the kids in the theater were laughing and clapping.... Didn't watch it in 3D though, but it didn't need it....

I wonder how hard it would be to find these guys and ask them what prank they pulled?... Any investigative reporters out there with some free time?

@nowXorXnever: I think it only works with the 3GS, not the 3G. I can try it later tonight with my wife's 3G and let you know

Just tried it... The video feature worked on my 3GS!! Very cool. Well, I did have to use a mirror but my buddy DID see me... Well, at least the reflection of my right eye and forehead....

@Jams: Awesome. You've just earned yourself another "heart"....

How sharp is it exactly? I'm sure there have been more than a few tongue, lip and cheek injuries while using this thing....

@uncle_jojo: Yeah, I heard "2nd half of July" as well... I guess a few more weeks won't hurt....

Any word on the white ones??? Anyone? Hello? Is this thing on?

NOOOoooo!!! Those poor, poor cameras.... Remove the memory cards STAT!!!

Carthay Circle, Los Angeles, CA

@uncle_jojo: Hey thanks Mr_Bishop and KevnWrn!!... Just downloaded the app. Results shortly...

Couple these with the previous post of the actual floating Hoverboard and bang! Flux capacitors are right around the corner....

Can someone send a link or quick explanation on how to test for the actual speed to report back? Thanks!

@ilovetofu: Me too!! (well at least until the white one is ready - truth be told)

@Arms Akimbo: Thanks Arms and Yeah!... I felt the buzz of the joke plane as it flew over...

@Kaiser-Machead: Okie-dokie slow and Noky... (to steal a recent rhyme from my 4 year old niece)