
@Arms Akimbo: Not to sound like a noob, but what exactly is "sidetalk"? Or did the joke plane just fly over my head???

There is no image issue. Stay tuned.

My photo update was what took the longest.... But well worth the wait...

@Curves: You know... it looks like all they would need to do is cut a slot for the pad of paper on both the top and bottom of the paper side, so you could "flip" in the other direction. Just rotate the Kindle 180 degrees, pull the pad out and insert it in the bottom slot and it would work righty or lefty....

@Mark 2000: Yeah... me too. 1:01 AM and I got through all the way to the end, and that was the last time... CRASH and BURN... Dang it.

The Apple online store is now down...

Wow. Things must really be fried. Here's the error screen that's now coming up... Have no idea what any of this means....

44 minutes in, and keep getting the "Ooops - we didn't prepare properly for all these requests"...

44 minutes in, and keep getting the "Ooops - we didn't prepare properly for all these requests"...

12:00 PST... 60 minutes and co...YAWN...counting... YAWN, scratch, scratch...

I'm not even buzzed and it's already making me dizzy...

@Trai_Dep: Dude, you are so right. Totally forgot about MacPaint... HA!

Great list....

Kif as Loki is pretty cool...

If you are opening a new bag of eyewear at the show, trust me everyone, they're fine.... There's probably a bigger chance at getting sick from the seats, self serve soda fountains, etc. If they're recycled or re-washed even better.

I'm sure there is something political afoot. What a lot of people don't realize is that this is a high tech factory. It's one of the best games in town as far as assembly jobs are concerned. Most of these workers will most likely head back north.

We can only imagine what they will be doing at the birth of their first child.....

@Philip Han: you were 9 or 10 during windows 95?.... dang it, I'm getting old...

So painful, yet I had to listen to the entire call....