
Everybody wins with competition like this. It is amazing how far things have come in just a few years.

I had a metal Yoda tin lunch box that I used for about 3 years. Dang that thing was so cool.... Wonder what happened to it?....

I shouldn't have read all of the comments. Now I'm second guessing myself and not sure if I should get one.....

I think it would show great humility and openness on Apple's part if they began Wednesday's event with a mea culpa and said they would make everyone whole.

I am in the middle of this war, and trust me, it is brutal.... (mile long stare)

P-H-L-A-T.... (in my best Chris Tucker voice)

The music industry was crippled by a poor product offering for too long. It's like saying that the American auto makers were crippled because the Japanese and German's learned about the internal combustion engine and the assembly line.

It looks just like the discontinued Apple bluetooth headset, except with an add-on earbud. (which by the way works great with the iPhone 3GS - much better than the 3G for some reason).

Any suggestions on a good netbook to buy (on the cheap) to try this out with????