
We don’t know that. Right now, we know that five journalists were let go when the evidence came out, and one was indicted. Since it appears nobody is reporting why they chose this one guy, or what they’re claiming this guy did that the others didn’t, it’s impossible to know whether it’s an abuse of power or that

I was with you until I thought of this- how about taking some mushrooms and going to watch the absolute worst show in the history of performing?

Man, you talk about some evil people. I’m not crying for Breitbart writers, but the site was set up in part to be Zionist. The investors must be really, really, regretting hiring a scumbag like Bannon that openly brought in Anti-Semites.

It’s really more because we have narrow hips. If we had hips like women, we wouldn’t smush our balls. Our legs go out in a V whereas women are more like a U. It’s way, way easier for women to cross their legs at the knee or push their knees together because they don’t have to roll at the hip.

In the picture it’s a couple. Often, the man takes up more space with a girlfriend because she’s okay with snuggling up together in exchange for giving up seat space.

Yeah, the armrest keeps your legs pointed inward. Those guys have to put out an effort to spread like that.

Obligatory large guy reply.


Terrorism means using violence for political gains. He had personal reasons.

I agree that we should treat Muslim and White terrorists the same, and I’m fine with whatever consistent method of reacting to tragedies is decided upon.

I used to be a “liberal” in the same way. I think we’re both now called moderates because we stayed where we were while politics moved around.

But for those groups, you have to include that the internal problems came as external groups as high up as Hoover and White House officials were actively attempting to split them up.

Don’t kid yourself. Maybe 1-2% of people reading the article comment. Maybe four or five are trolls. You blow up their significance specifically so you can dismiss people like me who disagree but aren’t conservatives. Thousand and thousands of people are casual readers, often moderates like me who want to know what a

Or, they can recognize that being offended doesn’t mean you deserve satisfaction. Everybody who isn’t just distorting everything through a political lens knows how to handle intent and context.

She’s been remarkably strong throughout this. She should be proud.

I’m making a clear point. Let me re-iterate.

You’d think Trump would’ve made people realize that you don’t want the government in charge of who’s allowed to assemble.  

It’s because Al Qaeda is part of our international agreements on terrorism while we consider domestic terrorism a matter of American law. We allow freedom of assembly except for those groups on the international terrorist lists.

The KKK was the litmus test the courts used.

We don’t officially designate homegrown organizations as terrorists, regardless of race or religion. The reason for that is all organizations here have a right to peaceful assembly.