Yes, provided he wasn’t accused of committing any crimes. No if he did anything illegal with MS-13.
Yes, provided he wasn’t accused of committing any crimes. No if he did anything illegal with MS-13.
He didn’t cheat on her. They separated well before he got together with his current wife, who I don’t think was even the next woman he dated.
The thing with Howard was that those stunts were the worst of him. People who didn’t listen to him didn’t get that it was the interplay between the cast that made the show interesting, along with how his interviews managed to tell you a lot about the celebrity via their reactions.
His connections to Trump now end up coming down to neither being accepted by the GOP establishment. I’m not saying that as a defense. I’m saying that’s how far down you have to scrape the barrel to find Trump.
There are times when I think I’m a crotchety, out of touch, old man, and then someone buys a 222k chain and reminds me that I’m the sane one.
True, but fighting nostalgia is like fighting the current. It’s just never going to stop.
He’s not a Republican
It’s pretty unlikely the President knows about this.
Jokes aside, the Kardashians pay so much in PR. That’s how Kim really got famous- when PR people can plant 100 articles about an unknown at the same time, she’s no longer unknown. Then they pretend afterward that people are just interested in the Kardashians. But things like this prove we’re not. They’re just the…
I think she made the right choice. Once the knives are out, you need to go away until things calm down. Just concentrate on work and wait. Outrage only lasts a short while, then there’s a backlash that she can use as a “comeback”.
No. And that’s the’s a tax protest, not a reason to stop down and try and get everything else protested at the same time.
Then not every woman has to wear them.
Wow. Thanks for bringing in some facts. Everybody knows colleges are liberals (indeed, this article suggests non-partisanship is the same as corporatization), but for some reason people still try to pretend there’s a lot of conservative power on campuses. But there just isn’t.
And the entirety of the drawdown was because we were about to run out of rotations. It was falsely made into a political issue when whomever was President would have to pull out most of the troops around the same time. We’d already done so many stop-losses that we created a generation of military personnel with PTSD.…
You made me realize one thing companies will do to get around any issues- change the position title and salary.
That’s completely true. However, sometimes things to too far towards groups over the idea of individuals. As an example, we do need women’s centers, more centers for minorities, more help for them with Title IX issues, and a lot of other things.
Here’s the thing I love. Those bozos claim the pay gap stats are bogus. let’s find out more.
Hey, you credited it, and I wouldn’t have guffawed if you hadn’t posted it.
Not that it helps with Trump, but we should all look towards conservation first. Most people can cut a good 20% of their bills without it being overly restrictive day to day (for instance, my yellow is not going to mellow, period.)
No, it has different origins. Some tribes did it to symbolize a boy becoming a man. The Jewish tradition is from Genesis and is done as a covenant.