
She didn’t retract once. She retracted after, then repeated it and allowed Pozder to have main custody of their son, then retracted it immediately in the letter to the Senate.

Yep. Jezebel really is in a bubble. Everybody else accepted that she lied, and the big thing was tax evasion. It was at the fast food places as well as the housekeeper.

Can’t blame them. People can say what they want- getting posterized is the biggest shame of all.

You’re looking at a hypothetical theory in an area where we have data.

The slaves had an even worse player’s union than the NFL.

Where I’m from, you get your stuff and go home. You’re done for the day.

You’re giving our side too much credit. We do the same thing. That Neo Nazi Richard Spencer is one of like 15 or maybe 20k White nationalists and was virtually unheard of, but liberals like to pretend he’s the head of some huge conservative movement.

Yeah, there’s that Milo guy who calls himself one.

He also described how he feels better now than earlier in his career, and that he won’t think about retiring until his mid 40's.

She’s not particularly smart. She’s been giving dumb quotes for 30 years now. This is just the latest.

Wait...it’s called “Brown Girls”, and it’s in an Latino community...but are there any Latina in it?

I don’t necessarily disagree, but curvy is rarely used to actually mean curves. It’s used for anyone who isn’t slim. A woman can be shaped like an O, and still nobody is supposed to disagree that she’s curvy.

I assumed you were talking about that because you gave examples of Yianoppolus doing it. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Really? Here is your description of the second group:

Lol...it was close there for a minute. What if you hadn’t found something to get mad about?

You won’t ever forgive her because she said something stupid about a protest?

All true, though I’d point out that the research you linked to is as iffy as the studies supposedly showing 70% are false. And we also need to take the entire situation back to 1987 and determine whether there was any changes in the period since.

It annoys me that I have to be the greasy one to defend a guy I don’t want confirmed. But before he gets run out of town, it should be acknowledged that Ms. Fierstein was most likely lying.

Pffftt...of course not. She wasn’t sure whether going against Trump would help her brand.

The “studies” of how many abuse allegations during a divorce are false comes from lawyers, so it’s hard to know the exact truth. Having said that, more abuse allegations are declared unfounded or false than valid. The truth is, it’s usually women, and it often includes a false restraining order, which is illegal to