Uncle Chigurh

It’s an Arnold Palmer with whiskey hold the iced tea and lemonade.

He’s not a real doctor. (But he is a real worm. He is an actual worm.)


Get in your fucking grave already if nothing truly matters.

Ignorant baldhead.

Are you talking to yourself again?

So the guy who uses a homophobic hate crime as his burner name is a fan of the coach who drove his gay son to suicide. Shocking.

+1 baker’s dozen

I like how you recommend your own comments.

Oh for sure.

Clevenger didn’t lose his job.

Holy shit, you’re dense.


Actually, you are racist.

With the singular notable exception of Ike Taylor.

No, it was a bicycle kick.

You can’t fool me, I can tell you already wear a diaper and it’s clearly full.

Teams generally use a silent count on the road and don’t expect to have to use one at home (except in San Diego.)