My brother bought the Dreamcast solely for Virtua Tennis.
My brother bought the Dreamcast solely for Virtua Tennis.
World Take Center
Your hands must hurt from clutching those pearls.
Nah, this piece of shit caused real harm, it’s good she’s dead.
Dude, Deadspin has been trying to get rid of you for years.
Now that you have a hotline will we be getting Dead Voice Mails in addition to our dead letters?
These women are real athletes who deserve to be taken seriously in victory and defeat
This is you willfully misconstruing his protest in order to delegitimitize it.
Disrespect begets disrespect. You’re welcome.
It failed because idiots like you are hellbent on willfully misconstruing his protest in order to delegitimatize it.
I can’t be the only one who thinks if the troops wanted to they could put together an a cappella group and dominate the national anthem.
You are definitely not a foremost civil rights activist.
It’s because Notre Dame is part of the unholy trinity of holier-than-thou teams.
No it doesn’t
Pillsbury Kickboy just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Neither one is very good. They are probably equally bad. At least Shaun Hill can stay healthy while being mediocre.
Actually I think it’s probably racists like you who have set race relations back.