Jared Leto is Kirk Lazarus is The Joker.
Jared Leto is Kirk Lazarus is The Joker.
It’s a small room at the front of the plane, but that’s not important now.
Terrell Davis > John Elway
1. Perry Bible Fellowship
PBF is the greatest.
My strongest take is probably that Mallard Fillmore is the single worst strip of all time
Take solace in the fact that as shitty as the quarterback situation is this year, it’s actually still probably better than last year. (That says more about how awful the quarterback play was last year than it says anything good about the situation this year.)
Looking like Brother Mouzone is still out here collecting bodies.
And when Bob Costas loses an eye to infection it’s still pretty funny.
Are you doing an irony?
He’s surprisingly stupid, that’s for sure.
He retired, actually. Turns out even the mascot wants to get the fuck away from this team.
lol no
When no one was looking, Craig James killed five hookers. He killed 5 hookers. That’s as many as five ones. And that’s terrible.
To merit a logical counterpoint, you must first present a logical point to be countered.
PEDs are NBD and anyone who gets upset about them is the real prick.
He was a great hitter and a sub-replacement level fielder. Borderline at best.
Dynasties are better for casual fans. Parity is better for hardcore fans.
Now this is the hottest take here.