Peter Parker

Did Tony and Russell actually have fun playing Survivor or did they have fun playing treasure hunt while the rest of the cast played Survivor?

Aside from the lack of food which clouds ones judgement your also playing for a million dollars. Unless you are like a ceo. pro athlete or politician nothing you do in your day to day life could potentially cost you a million dollars.

Next time on Survivor ,Everyone wastes their time .

Chyna/Joanie Laurer made a hefty sum for making a porn for vivid a year or two. With the way porn sales are decreasing the porno industry is willingly to pay high 6-figure sometimes low 7 figure sums to has been/c list type celebs types.

I am pretty sure Roman Polanski and Woody Allen pay top dollar for her services in the evening provided she wears the same outfits she did in the parent trap.

My mum must be one of the few who does not watch CBS procedurals.

I don't think Culpepper was ever actually leading he was more of a figurehead so when someone got pissed at the RI challenge he would be the one to take the brunt of the verbal abuse.

I think it's more what someone like Erik from Caramoan said in an interview if you are familiar with production you will be able to pick up when the camera crew is filming something important so if you start scaveraging at all parts of the island and play hot and cold you will be able to pick up the general location

Usually people who are f'ed over by getting idoled out or a random 1 round merge ala Michelle in Fiji end up getting an edit similar to Jeremy like they didn't exist out there. My guess though is the totality of the bad luck him and Tasha had (most of it just out of there hands)combined with wanting him to come back

I think that just shows the persuasive of Trish if she can do a better of controlling someones vote than God.

I doubt even if they preplan the challenges they can be assured of sticking with them since weather would surely alter what they do certain rounds. Like if you had an endurance challenge planned for say f8 and it started raining hard an hour before it started they would have to change it something else.

I think she has it in the bag if she makes f3. Just based on the edit Tony is too big a cartoon character to ever win,Kass is the biggest goat ever and Woo and Jefra aren't being portrayed like the sharpest tools in the shed.

I would say in the case of Carter and Rick maybe they are fun people to be around in real life but sometimes that doesn't translate to tv or at least 40 minute a week reality show that relies on soundbites and very narrow editing .

It very well might have doomed him if Trish wasn't able to reel Jefra back in.

I think the hate is largely because his airtime is disproportionate to how likeable/good at the game he is.

Yeah he is getting the douchebag that we will have enough people tricked to like and think is a smart player so we can justify putting them on a 2nd season edit.

I actually think Tony will come back only once. Kind of like Russell once everyone saw his season no one will ever trust him and he is doomed to be an early boot and the practical side of him will realize the show is a losing prospect. If H vs V had been a fall season Russell would have surely been the 1st boot.

Cochran's game if you look at it was very under the radar. On face value its the exact same game Natalie(Ie team up with someone who is a mental trainwreck and play the good cop to their bad cop and work the votes socially) except he was a superfan who knew who to work the soundbites in confessional.

If that is true then Tony is toast as a likely winner. The fact that his move is being portrayed as a bad when it might not be indicates Kaos Kass probably does him in.

Jim outside of Tony/Tasha I think your assessment is sorta off on a few people