Uncle Bug Music

I watched Patton's latest Netflix stand up last night and he was hilarious. I mean, it was fantastic, but I was troubled throughout the whole show because his wife just passed away. Obviously I don't know him or his wife, but I don't care who you are, when someone you love passes away suddenly - it's so tragic and

I watched Patton's latest Netflix stand up last night and he was hilarious. I mean, it was fantastic, but I was troubled throughout the whole show because his wife just passed away. Obviously I don't know him or his wife, but I don't care who you are, when someone you love passes away suddenly - it's so tragic and

Reading the Mr. Show book and other interviews (including this one), Bob admits he had a stick up his ass (complete with bugs on the stick) when it came to making some of the sketches, but you know what? Mr. Show is a perfect show and the best example of how sketch comedy evolved since Monty Python. So maybe Odenkirk

My friend and I saw this movie once or twice in Winnipeg back in late 79 or 80 at the Northstar Theater. We laughed like hell at it and I seem to remember something about gold walnuts. Why it was playing in Winnipeg is beyond me…

Mr. Show is back?! I think I need to sit down. Can I use this chair?

Thanks for posting that! Never saw it before. Hilarious and funny, cuz it's true…

"Grading and reviewing a sketch comedy show is a weird concept." Yes it is and I wonder why you bother? Not that you're bad at it or anything, in fact, I liked your insight, but it's really pointless to review it IMO. Personally Cockblock and Smile, were so awesome in my op, that they could have appeared on Mr. Show,