YAY! Then they will have the Abarth at the NY show.
YAY! Then they will have the Abarth at the NY show.
Which comes first LA auto show or NY auto show?
Two things:
Wait, how are we supposed to leave a cotd nomination if replies are short and cannot be commented on?
I don't know why you have not been heart clicked before.
Think of the seals. Sweater does not digest correctly.
I drink your milkshake.
As long as it is better than 70%. Doesn't mean I am going to buy it though.
Really? I mean yeah apple products are pretty and all but, really?
Hey Ray, can I swing by the office and pick up one of your coasters? I mean it would be a waste, I'll replace it with a less plastic coaster.
Archos makes a great line of mp3 players that don't require any extra programs to play music. Let's you import stuff as you would on to a USB stick. I mean never deal with iTunes again.
My friend interns for the DA's office and I lol'd when he told me about this.
Obviously you do not follow current car ownership. Audi is now the car for pricks. Educate yourself before you make these dumbfounded claims.