
Don't worry luis. I still remember when you had your brief stint as AOTD. I enjoyed it.

Well you do have his number now. I think we all should.

I thought Roberto G. would be #1. You know getting banned three times and coming back is very very cruel to us commenters.

Yes, and that is supposed to mean what?

That looks like the F train at rush hour in NYC. I should know, I take it everyday.

Yay! Ash is back.

That song from the opening credits. I have heard it in a porno before.

Haven't read a long winded COTD in a while, but I was glad I read this.

Swype does learn the more you use it. There are always going to be words that it does not have in its dictionary but usually as you type out a word it learns it. This can be annoying sometimes. For example, I was talking to my friend about the BMW M3 and I may have typed it a number of times, then when I started

Especially on phones with Swype. Once you use it you will understand.

Been going to Reddit recently?

Well, that is my childhood and I will forever love that song. But I think The Edge did a good version as well.

Well the video itself was wrong, cause Dr. Mario was in Melee but the stage was from Brawl.

hung out with 12 dudes for 3 years.

Sounds like Nascar from back in the day. Back when Race Sunday, Drive Monday meant something.

Ha! I'm colorblind and I can read that.

I always thought she looked androgynous.

It's a post by Jesus. Don't expect much.