
You gotta be specific at the type of hair's breadth it is. As Mr. Quick pointed out, a cunt's hair width.

Lol. +1

Were one of the insults that Derek has a small penis. I hear that if people get advice they don't like that is a common rebuttal.

Can I personally hand you the money Ray?

Sorta related.

That's pretty dam funny, more so cause it's from you.

Her mind is so full of fuck right now.

I laughed at the cough syrup part. If it is actually true, do you feel responsible?

I see you are well versed in your texas hip hop.

Nibbles part two.

Will you be taking Jesus with you?

When climaxing, yells "Thank you Nick Denton"

Scary, but in a hot kinda way.

What about for the next headline they use " Michelle Bachmann kills an unborn child every month".

Don't feed the troll.

I swear Europeans are not cultured at all. We 'mericans should show them how it's done.

It is two in the morning and shit has not really happened. Well guess I should get some sleep to watch that F1 race. Hear there might be rain there as well.


Oh, the puns!!!

Sucks to be Bob.