
As a former Seattleite of 12 years, I just can't stand Lindy West. She's just the worst kind of rage-baiter. I always loved this take-down of one of her articles — https://compromises.wordpre…
^ Goes case-by-case into her click-baiting nonsense. Lindy tries to dress up dismissive sub-Twitter-worthy bon-mots as

OMG me too. Someone needs to do a YouTube where time slows down on a shot of the Goldmans and it zooms into her, fading in "Silent All These Years"

Wow what a dumb opinion. Why would you want "another (insert album here)" by any band ever? Is there any great band who just put out a lot of albums that were all the same shit? Kid A was a pretty brave step into the abyss for that band and I think they did a great job finding sounds they had a knack for but weren't

There is no universe where "I really really really really really (etc) like you" is an interesting lyric. Except maybe the inside of Terri Schiavo's head before she finally was allowed to die.

It's probably fun and feels good to find the visceral release in saying something like that. Maybe you even believe it. But no partner would accept that conversation as it happened in the show. I would've broken up with her and never felt a twinge of regret. As for idealized maternal figures, I've only had to date

Or, maybe there was actually a way of having that discussion that was halfway sensitive, and being pro-choice/feminist doesn't actually have anything to do with being an unfeeling, self-centered robot towards your supposed partner?

I'd like to post something witty — it's just that I aborted your babies — all of your babies — so there's a few things I can't do right now.