
“... many men in the business [w]ant to see Louis come back because deep down inside they know they’ve also done fucked up shit to women,” she said. “[T]hey want to know that it’s not going to hurt them on a permanent basis. Louis is their test case.”


So happy to have “The Soup” back. Don’t care what they call it.

It didn’t help that I’m in a bad mood but I’m over criticism of women in connection to the movement. It exists in the first place because of male abuses of power so can we just not have a go at a woman who isn’t wearing the right shade of black* and remember that Weinstein and Spacey and the rest of them are rapists

“Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?”

This is such bullshit. I’m no fan of the royals, but she puts her money where her mouth is in terms of actually helping causes out, rather than just wearing black once and never doing anything else to help. Surely the James Franco mess has shown that just wearing the right colour / pin to an even means nothing.

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

My guess is that she was hamstrung by protocol, but the dark color and black ribbon show that her philosophy is with the movement.

I can’t speak as to the quality of Tom Brady as a person, but I’m not gonna drag him for being affectionate with his child.

This. I have no great love for Tom Brady. In fact, I think he’s a pretty shit person overall. Stabbing at him for something like this is insane. It’s his kid. Should we really be knocking affection between a father and son?

I’m not sure why I need to pass judgement on the Tom Brady video. Speaking as a Dad of a 9y/o boy, I love it when he gives me a spontaneous hug or a kiss. I know he’s going to turn into an asshole when he’s a teenager, so I’m enjoying the hugs and kisses all I can.

I think its rather nice that a father and son can show love and affection towards each other. Lord knows my father rarely did.

You know what really bothers me? When people bug out about kissing kids on the lips. Not everyone does it but when people do, IT IS NOT SEXUAL. People cringing like there is a sexual element is icky. It’s icky! That’s a father and son, clean your head. Damn.

Anytime I read about something or someone having a certain ‘vibe’, I’m immediately repulsed.

Ugh that was painful to read. I can’t believe actual adults say these things.

I’ve had equally disturbing/surprising revelations with people who I’ve been friends with who are like, taking it personally that they might be deprived of upcoming Louie CK material, and have uttered the words “It’s not like he touched anyone.” BARF. You’re not crazy.

His reply just smacks of the ignorance of “all the bros on this MRA site are saying it and it sounds convincing”. It’s a teachable moment, but it’s not your burden/obligation to be his guide either.

He sounds awful and you deserve better friends, tbh.

There’s a lot of very valid reasons to bail on this dude brought up in this thread and I think that’s absolutely a reasonable course of action. I guess what I’m thinking, though, is that, does this dude listen to you in general? I’m assuming so or you wouldn’t be friends. He may need your voice and guidance; otherwise

as a guy, I haven’t initiated this topic in conversation much, mostly because I don’t think it’s my place to do that, and it can possibly bring up a lot of bad memories and make the other person uncomfortable and such.