
You don’t need to publish anything benefit from a doxing.

So they dox a kid, who they call a troll, over stolen videogame screenshots.

it’s not a matter of political correctness but one of legality. personal information shared with a website is contractually restricted to specific uses - not for activity indistinguishable from stalking.

Literally nothing to do with political correctness...

A 16 year old doesn’t need to be beaten up for doing something dumb. No-one does. Fuck off.

Except ... safe spaces kinda do exist in the “real” world — in the form of the anti-harassment policies in the workplace. Mine, for example, trains us once a year on how we’re not allowed to discuss race, sex, politics, etc. and gives us tons of examples of “things you probably wouldn’t think twice about saying, but

we’re sure trying.

As another millennial fighting to preserve this space in colleges, amen

The debate over safe spaces, too, has become cartoonized, a shorthand way to complain about privileged millennials