Her comment about someone finding the ring and keeping it is what caught my attention. You don’t usually assume people would engage in down & dirty behavior right off the top unless it’s something you would do yourself.
Her comment about someone finding the ring and keeping it is what caught my attention. You don’t usually assume people would engage in down & dirty behavior right off the top unless it’s something you would do yourself.
Furthermore, how sickening that someone with that degree of privilege assumes the worst of everyone else!
I was ready to say the exact same thing that Jezebel was being unfair because anyone would be scared and freaking out if they lost their engagement ring. But...then I read her statement. Pure Paris Hilton trash. She assumes that if someone else found the ring, they would have stolen it. Fuck her for assuming that. And…
“Thank God by some miracle my fiancé found it before someone else did and most likely would not have returned it.”
lol. We got married after about 9 months, and people always say that “When you know, you know!!” thing to us, and we’re always like, “HAHAHA NO, more like when you’re 21 you’re fucking stupid.” We just got super fucking lucky and turned out to be compatible after all.
I think it sounds like a disastrous move for her personal life but I’m looking forward to the material the resulting complications will bring.
The Marciano brothers are famously total assholes, always have been. I’m not at all surprised, either.
Yeah, I’m back to this because
In re: Tom Petty
Thank you. I know this is totally off topic, but I got into a huge argument with my husband once (like, a legit argument) because I told him I’d rather sleep with Steve Buscemi* than Marky Mark. He didn’t believe me.
What I don’t understand about Marky Mark is how in this time of increased scrutiny literally committing a hate crime is the thing society has decided is something we can forgive.
I will get on board with literally anything Tim Gunn supports, in the hopes that he will throw a fleeting glance in my direction. I was just curious about the change, because I KNOW he didn’t always say it that way.
Because he CAN.
The Nina Garcias of the world need to start feeling the heat a bit more.
He looks like an off-brand Nick Denton, TBH.
It’s not more complicated at all. It’s just that he got a woman deeply and legally involved in his life, then perpetuated harm against children and embroiled her in a terrifying and embarrassing legal imbroglio. Basically everything that is implied in the phrase “possessing child pornography.”
She knew at the very minimum that he had been accused of and admitted to groping women. MINIMUM. If she were deaf, blind, and living in Nebraska, maybe she didn’t know about the rest.
She is always styled too old. She’s an attractive woman with a great figure and she ends up looking like she wants to be a Southern grande dame, but of some PTA.
Thank you for putting the “DIRT BAG” label back on the front page! Now we don’t have to try to figure out which post looks the most dirt-baggy in order to find the Dirt Bag post.
Mark Wahlberg, is that you?