
Beautiful piece of native advertising right there

Full agree. This comes off like sponsored content...had to check to make sure this wasn’t an ad.

Seriously, this is a lifehack??

The reason Donald Trump won the Republican primary is that is started with so many candidates. Several candidates split the non-Trump vote, while he rolled right through the early primaries with 30% of the vote.

Indeed, I would argue that Hillary being the presumptive candidate really hurt her. Not only did the GOP have an eternity to get their oppo in order, but also I think it led to her campaigning not to lose (as opposed to campaigning to win). Let everyone kill each other through 2019 and 2020 and let steel sharpen steel.

I agree. A primary with more than 2 (but hopefully not 17!) would be great. And I would not like to see any of the 2016 candidates there, either.

I’m disappointed the question wasn’t about what brand of yogurt they stock in the newsroom kitchen.

Not really intending to get in the middle of an argument on flight fares, but holy shit are the tables you’re linking to terrible. It’s creating a scenario specifically to prove the point it wants to make. The vast majority of travelers do NOT need 2 70-pound bags, but that’s the only way to make today’s tickets

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.

Anyone else remember how deregulating the airline industry was going to increase competition, end effective monopoly routes and lower prices?

Here’s the takeaway; she didn’t protest and meekly let them force her to carry a heavy child in her lap for the whole trip.

The “something’s coming” has already arrived: Eric Holder’s hangover.

Just gonna point out that if the Obama administration had made a request like this the Republicans would have been super cool about it. Yes siree.

Intersectional Feminist Writer: Ugh, I can’t even with these people who won’t wake up and see the sexism all around them!

While the effort is appreciated, the process itself should perhaps remain behind closed doors.

Not a Darwin he has two kids, his genes have spread.

Here’s a thought; maybe if we had a minimum wage that was a living wage, people who work hard wouldn’t have to rely on the kindness of strangers to afford a lower middle-class lifestyle.

Why doesn’t something like this result in the government saying OK we need to address this problem. Open the check book and deal with it. Just like the Flint water crisis. It needs to be dealt with immediately.

I know a lot of people don’t understand the concept of living on a budget. I plan pretty carefully for