
Good, Bill Maher is not the enemy. We need to evolve and focus on people who actively scheme to do us harm. He said the n-word. Shame on him. Now let’s move on.

Funny how the cancer starts - Deregulation and Reagan Era shitting on/chipping away at the various protections we had established to ensure our electorate was well educated and informed.

Did he just refuse to shake that woman’s hand when she held it out? Who is she?

Publicist #4 (Anonymous, Music PR):

Whoever Hillary picked as AG would have been better than Sessions. Small steps forward is better than giant leaps backward.

Hope her housekeeper has been properly compensated for her modeling. If she hasn’t, she may have a pretty good case for back wages, since Jenner herself has noted how crucial her housekeeper’s body part is to the process, meaning any money she’s made from hocking makeup on Instagram may wouldn’t have been as much

Sarah Sanders

I disagree that it’s a matter of “comfort.” Instead, I think the difference between Spicer and Sanders is that Spicer seems to actively want to win arguments with his lies, whereas Sanders knows that repeating the talking points without trying to cudgel the press corps into submission is way less hassle.

I like this joke and I’m terrified of the countless people who like this sentiment unironically.

I, for one, am just glad we still have the CIA to defend our interests in democratic institutions and ideals at home and abroad.

No couple REALLY cues up an episode of Real Sex to get in the mood.

Hey, I found a better cover image for your interpretation of what was described.

So they’re taking the “stop hitting yourself” defense against Dao? Seems legit.

The existence of Obama, a highly successful President and fundamentally decent human being, is a criticism of Donald. I hope he directly addresses Cheeto Jesus at some point, but just continuing to inspire us is huge.

Are we pretending that the Democratic party hasn’t been sucking at the teat of the corporations for decades now and basically give zero fucks about working people except to exploit our vote whilst doing not a fucking thing for us with its neoliberal policies?

You fucking piece of shit - do you have any experience with autism? Do you know what a parent with an autistic child goes through? Do you know how hard fought the battle has been for teachers and authorities to start distinguishing autism from run-of-the-mill bad behavior? How many smart autistic kids end up kicked

Well, your $1,000 savings on a hot water heater in year 3 vs the home owner who has to pay the $1,000 out of pocket might be able to make 6% ($60) extra for that year (and subsequent years...but let’s consider more of the story.

I think “completely false” might not be accurate. It depends on your situation. Sometimes buying is better than renting, sometimes renting is better than buying—it depends on your market area and situation. In either case you can say the other scenario is “throwing money away” (or less harshly, spending more than you

Eric, your understanding of returns from real estate is completely flawed. You don't account for the fact that almost everybody uses leverage (a mortgage) when they buy a house. It may be true that real estate only appreciates by 2-3% a year, however your return on investment can be much higher than that. For instance

It is an asset that barely keeps pace with inflation and you could lose the opportunity to make other investments?