This is going to be a feel good story by the time that the Olympics are over.
This is going to be a feel good story by the time that the Olympics are over.
Wtf? Why would they leave when they could just say “needs moar sensors” ? And over one crash? And while still working with other automakers?
I dislike these questions, because there’s no real secret. Having a genuine enthusiasm for whatever it is you do, learning to prioritize so you don’t work on 20 different things at once, and then handing that shit off to focus on something else if necessary.
Between this and people abusing/misusing Pokemon Go, I’m starting to wonder if people can be trusted with... well shit I’ve been thinking that for years.
I was playing this shit before your 10 year old was alive, so frankly Pat, I don’t give a damn.
I’m damn sure that’s R2-D2 hiding on the right side of that engine bay.... Just sayin....
Actually, I’m the BIM manager for an Architecture firm and was able to steal one of these from my IT department. It is amazing for 2 reasons; 1. With virtual desktops and 2 mapped mouse keys I can run through the 6 computers I run super easily. 2. Our BIM& PDF programs are very button / docked window happy. And when…
First Tesla. Now this. Everyone should only ever drive manual cars. No one has ever died in one of those right?
Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?
The chime for leaving the door open while not parked is remarkably not annoying. Which is a bad thing in this situation.
Sooooo no more “rubbin’ is racin’”?
But the bear in the video is a professional valet. When I worked as a concierge, I always told my guys to greet all guests with a smile. This bear apparently didn’t get the memo, or ate the memo.
Just wanted to have a dance party.
But how the fuck will they be able to announce their presence while driving under the overpass 2 blocks from my house?
“In other news, everyone loves the F-35. We’ve got no records of any issues at all. Let’s replace the A-10 immediately!”
That looks like a damn GTA glitch o.0
Mike Tykeson
@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.