
While ‘locker room talk’ is certainly very real (and very uncomfortable for those of us who don’t see women strictly as sexual conquests), it rarely goes into rape or sexual assault pronouncements.

straight enough guy here: No, we generally don’t talk that. There are some guys who will, and they are assholes.

As a dude, I’m as perplexed as you are. I mean I have heard dudes talk like this on rare occasions, but I’d always just shake my head and say “assholes” under my breath. All my friends are average guys (if a bit nerdy), and I guarantee you they all think about sex as much as the average guy (alot), but if one of them

My past experience as a straight man has not been filled with talk about grabbing women and kissing them without asking. But, then again, I don’t usually talk with sex offenders, so that could’ve been it.

I was thinking more by the scruff of the neck, like a kitten.

How would you even grab a pussy? Like a bowling ball?

This needs more stars. The saddest stars in the universe.

Agreed. Bush comes off as an equally disgusting sycophant. Trump supporters won’t give two shits about this. Anyone *still* supporting Trump at this point likes his views on women, so this has no impact other than making the rest of us feel even more disgusted by this election than we were an hour ago. More and more

Make America Grope Again.

So let me get this straight: The Donald would see me across the room, pop a couple of tic tacs in his mouth (orange flavor?), start kissing me like a magnet and grab my pussy bits... presumably after taking me shopping for furniture. He’s got no game.

I heard a lady on NPR the other day who was pro-Trump because Hillary, “spent the whole debate flirting with the camera.”

Don’t expect too much. The people who weren’t already disgusted by his behavior won’t be swayed by this either.

Twenty bucks says this does more damage to Billy Bush than to Trump.

god bless the wapo