
Why are people flushing so many things down the toilet? All I’ve ever flushed down is stuff that touched my butthole.

🤔 I’m only on 1903, but it says I’ve got KB4551762 installed back in March. 

“You can even wear a hat and sunglasses—alongside your mask, naturally—if it helps you feel better.)“

In the age of text messages, that first paragraph was extra. It provided me with no useful information beyond what the headline told me.

i DETEST people who send a separate msg for EVERY sentence.

Not a fan of added charges. I’d rather a business increase their prices than add an extra charge at the end, even if there are signs everywhere and the server tells me this up front - what am I gonna do? Walk out like an ass? No, I’m going to stay there, say it’s fine, pay the fee, then never come back.

Doom Patrol season 2, but not 1? that’s messed up.

If there’s one thing this pandemic has helped me realize, it’s how lucky I am to be completely alone and unloved 👍

Yup, everything you say is spot on.

Ooooooooh, good point.  I’ll need to keep an eye out for that, as I have no plans to return to my gym anytime soon.  

Exactly! This is why I never take an uber home from the bar - you can’t live you life in fear of every little thing. Driving is full of risks - I’m grateful that I haven’t hurt myself yet 👍

Don’t forget about drinking and driving! Who cares if you put other people’s lives at risk - eff ‘em if they can’t get out of the way HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Good article, but I feel the chart is missing something to the far right - gyms! A bunch of people (maybe fewer than before, but still a gathering), indoors, breathing heavy (droplets!!!).

What I don’t get is all the dipshits are up in arms about mask wearing, but have no problem with the shirts/shoes requirement?

😮 I forgot all about that show!!!  I used to love it!

Holy shit!

I’m almost out of butter right now :(

Mmmmm.....butter 🤤

I did this once based on a friend’s recommendation.