
My problem is trying to find time. I currently get up at 5:30 in the morning just so I've got enough time to get myself and help get my kids ready in the morning. Then by the time I get home from work, bath and get the kids to bed. Then have something to eat it's usually around 8pm. The last thing I want to do then is

I personally prefer CCToggles over CCControls.

Does anyone have any suggestions to what service to use for storing a lot of photos/videos?

You'd need drivers for it, Microsoft haven't released any yet (although some are coming in 2014 apparently). There is some guy creating his own but as of yet I believe he's only got the analogue sticks working, no buttons yet.

Kind of relevant to this but does anyone know of any userscript/Chrome extension that adds this feature into the website for other image hosting like moby, yfrog, imgur etc etc?

I marked them as spam, it achieved the same effect.

I just do the +{name of site} in my email trick.

Not that I couldn't get round them before but this makes the recent court ruling where the BPI blocked access to kickass torrent, the pirate bay etc look even more silly.

Unfortunately they rely on API's for websites. If a thing you want to do doesn't have an API then you are out of luck.

I'll respond to my own comment, I've been informed that this does work with services like unblock-us. You just need to change the DNS server in the config file.

I was interested in trying this (and I'll probably give it a shot at some point) however having to change the DNS on the ATV is a deal breaker for me as I use http://unblock-us.com to access all regions on Netflix.

I'm not sure what you mean. I know about that tweak. It only gives you a Velox type gesture to open folders, it still wont let Velox work on apps inside folders.

I removed it after about an hour when I found it didn't work in folders, until it does it's useless to me (and probably a lot of other people) also I've heard a few people complain about it killing battery life.

It always takes me at least twice as long to shave with an electric razor than a blade.

I've got flex but find the majority of things on there useless for me, I've tried most of the flex Facebook patches but the tended to make the app really unstable for me.

The only thing that would stop me from using this is the disclaimer at the bottom of the description that says "no refunds if Facebook change their code" which sounds to me like this isn't going to be maintained.

I prefer iCatcher too, it's also got a brilliant feature which allows you to ignore downloading podcasts if they have certain keywords.

According to my fitbit before it broke in a normal day I'd do roughly three to four thousand steps. I work in a small office with no real need to get out of my chair very often and I car share to get into work.