Una Bear Dog

There was a long Fresh Air interview just rebroadcast (I think) that touches on the same ideas from Tootsie:

Here's most of teh text about Tootsie. regading dressing as a woman and thinking about himself as a woman. It loses something without his inflection:

He was also on Fresh Air a few days ago.

That is a great movie, isn't it? I mentioned it a bit further down thread.

Thank you for being honest.

Oh, fantastic! It looks wonderful, as well as your book. I will have to read more.

If the attentions are totally unwanted, uninvited, and un-reciprocated, he may just be a creeper. ;>)

This is tone of the things I was thinking of, "The Secret of Roan Inish".

Actually, many world-class (Olympic caliber) swimmers started swimming because they had asthma. I assume because it increases lung capacity, etc.? Not 100% sure.

This is what I often see when a teen/woman is surprised that the "nice guy" she thought was "just a friend" suddenly expects to be next in line to date.

Well, I am male, and **I** sure could have used someone like her to explain the dynamics of the bar scene when I was in college.

I think the trend is to have the beau fuck both of your parents in front of you, while you watch. Some people like to also get it from behind while they are watching their parents getting fucked - you know, to feel more involved in the whole process.

There should be surcharges added to the admissions price for those extras, like "Brides Dress", "Grooms Attire", "Wedding Cake".

"The Lord works in mysterious ways"

It sounds like we all have been/are getting "fucked over" in one way another. By doctors and others ignoring our pain, by biases, stereotypes, etc. etc.

A word of warning to all of you with untreated/under treated chronic pain:



Perfect - the dojo, kata's, etc. They help ground you, like the fiction. Too much Philosophy is *not* a good thing. ;>)

Just FYI, if my summary above is too glib or convoluted to follow: