Una Bear Dog

Arg.... I just lost a long post on my tablet, when I went to copy a link. :'(

Brilliant! Yes.

"Systems Thinking" - where the GOP & TEA are absolute failures.

Late to this, so this is probably irrelevant, but:

Right Wing psychosis, propelled by underlying racism.

The base idea(s) that are still being formatted, articulated, and acted out - through changing social norms - is:

They really, really don't get "symbolism" and "metaphor", do they?

Thank you! Yes, quite a different movie.

Oh, that is **so funny**

My wife's best friend watched it with us, and she has seen it 4-5 times since. Great movie.

OK, found it through an IMDB keyword search. Google only turned up porn for a search on "teacher student affair blackmail"

OK, I haven't seen this.

This is why I hated/hate irony in art so much.

Sorry, all sounds very strange and threatening.

If you scroll all the way to the start of the hash tag page, the first 10-15 are "real" - and amazingly clueless & misogynistic!

As a male, I'm sorry and disgusted to hear about the asshole men in some of these stories.

Ok, now I hate you, because ...

OMG! You mean that colonoscopy I had was really an abortion?