
This is the first time he’s emailed me in a while. He hounded us a lot after Sandy Hook.

“Look there a good people on both sides of Wolfenstein.”

I would love to see more games come to the switch, just like I wanted to see more games ported to the Vita. Both are impressive at what they do, and the more options on the go, the better!

If there were some magical way to make Nintendo games appear on the Xbone or PSQuad, that would be awesome too, since then people

Well I’m pretty sure the reason people are asking for Switch ports is because of the unique nature of the system. It’s portability is something no other console can match, even if it’s graphics are less impressive. The ability to play certain games on the go or while watching tv during a commercial break is something

You certainly are Mad On The Internet, aren’t you dear?

Honest question. Please, don’t attack me.

And it wouldn’t surprise me if it eventually comes out that his “refusing treatment” had anything to do with him being not 100% sober either. If he didn’t see the big red firetruck, autopilot or not, perhaps he wasn’t all there to begin with?

Jason, based on your career covering the industry and the research that went into the book...what do you think needs to happen to put the industry on a more sustainable path?