
I agree.  The Fed should establish an interest rate floor, and probably a ceiling.

Southwest 75% on time and United 76% on time.  One is on the worst list and one is on the best list. If you’re going to use words list best and worst, there should be a significant difference.

Imported this bad boy from Detroit.

What do you know?!? Ricky Bobby was actually telling the truth!

They said Developer Previews will hit those phones at the end of the year.

Mustang Production Line, 1966

The obvious answer is that the car belonged to MIB, and the driver of the go-kart was an alien with a doomsday device.

This is a view of the Tesla in question from the back. I’m so sick of all these goddamn middle aged punks driving through my neighborhood blasting Harry Potter at 1 A.M. Some of us are Tolkien fans.

Wait, wait, I got it: