The greatest thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, Honda dealers will stop going 10k over MSRP on Type R. Can’t markup and push your vehicle into Type S territory.
The greatest thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, Honda dealers will stop going 10k over MSRP on Type R. Can’t markup and push your vehicle into Type S territory.
Yeah everyone wants a car that can win from a dig and front wheel drive hits a lot of people wrong.
Only have had very minor issues so far.
I agree play more Gojira and less Slipknot.
Yeah for 50% more than a regular blazer. We used to be able to get the fastest FWD vehicle in production history for $25k. CobaltSS Turbo. Even with inflation that’s only $35k now. Chevy doesn’t have anything fast as hell for that price anymore. They killed all the fun cheap vehicles. Which was really the only…
Blame Chevy for not having fast and fun hybrids and electrics to meet their old SS type market.
Idk about the reviewer but dang it looks cheap as hell on the inside.
Sorry but the most reliable Toyota/Lexus, Subarus etc are all made outside the U.S.
God I hope not. The most reliable vehicles on the market are not typically made in the U.S.
People are gonna go crazy for 40 year home loans
who needs 84 month loans when you can have 96 month loans
Inflation on a depreciating asset. Send this to $0 with haste.
Going for MSRP 20 years later. Stop it. Please
we are good at planning, not good at getting enough funds together to pay for what we need
You forgot Pontiac Bonneville wearing Chevy Lumina van headlights.
Stop it
they 2.5 Forester gets terrible gas mileage in real world. Around 22-24mpg in the winter for me. I finally got sick of it and traded the second one in for a new CRV.
I have no clue how the Forester got on here with that engine. Owned two of them and man is it loud, slow, and has no redeeming quality.
The Maverick feels tiny inside. Useless small backseat and no front leg room.