and in Texas it should be independent from federal overreach and fail all the time all while raising rates
and in Texas it should be independent from federal overreach and fail all the time all while raising rates
Well if you don’t invest in upgrades for the poor neighborhoods then you don’t have to sell them faster internet.
I’m no economist, but interest rates should not go below your standard inflation rate you are shooting for. 2-3%.
Low interest rates drove home and car sales through the roof in a time demand was going to nothing.
the only thing we know is that the fed is going to raise rates
That was just a decade of bad engines.
Guess what it takes to produce gasoline.
How many full EVs did we have a decade ago? Tesla?
Give it a decade. We will be fine.
Have dead spots from this idea. Do not do this.
drop the deck and give em heck
I never said it won’t be faster with LSD.
Lol you think cars without those things can turn left and right.
Lol there are plenty of performance vehicles without LSD. Some of us bought the Rav4 prime at MSRP. Some didn’t.
Laughs in Rav4 Prime.
technology trumps effort
Counter point, there are bullet proof vehicles.
and sell the vehicle ASAP
Considering you can steel a newer model Honda with a handheld device, this is no surprise.