Sounds like a car with a lot of power and the driver bogs it out of every gear. It seriously sounds worse every time I listen to that video.
Sounds like a car with a lot of power and the driver bogs it out of every gear. It seriously sounds worse every time I listen to that video.
These are the exact same numbers the Cobalt SS GM Stage 1 Tune was. 280/320. It was a very lean tune and had a lot of boost left in it. But do we know what turbo the Sportback uses?
Intake and tune and this bastard will get 300HP easily.
Good call.
Do love tiny cars that run mid 15s in the quarter mile. What a shear blast to drive!
I know the Tracys of this World love their Jeeps, but the newer Jeeps are junkers. IDK why anyone would buy an FCA product new let alone used.
Is this a Planet of the Apes reference or something? Give the guy a break already. Everyone judging like they are perfect.
He learned plenty. Some learn through experience, some learn through other’s experience. Quit being sadistic to seem tough. The kid got a break in life and everyone deserves a second chance, not death.
The dude learned a good lesson and didn’t die. I’d call that a win.
Hey don’t judge me :) No I haven’t it’s on my list of things to do. Might just sell before then. I remember adding half a glass of water at one time.
Do these cars have a “Low Coolant” warning sensor? A lot of GM cars had it so once you filled up the coolant, if the warning ever came back on you knew there was a real issue.
You should not be losing coolant on a car less than 2 years old. End of story. I think I lost less than 8 oz in 9 years of Cobalt SS ownership.
GM had an issue with foam cast blocks and switched to sand cast blocks. The last video makes me think the head bolt is loose from the crack and the clamping force on the head gasket is bad. Do we know what Ford is using here for their casting process?
Not really the same at all though. Direct Injection, no vtec, very different torque curve, very different engine.
Put down a seat cover if you can’t control your children.
Usually Beta 1 is pretty rough, but after that I run betas daily on my phones. It’s really not a big deal at all.
Any year Chevy Cobalt.
When your brother in law changes a flat tire on your gf’s car. He bench presses 500lbs. Which meant I spent 3 hrs replacing wheel studs when I put the fixed wheel/tire back on.
In my sophomore year of wrenching, I was working on an oil change. I drained the oil and moved the drain pan away after everything was done draining. I went to get my oil filter wrench, got back under the car and rolled on my back only to dip my entire head of hair in the oil pan. I don’t know what was worse, hot oil…