This is weapons-grade stupid.
This is weapons-grade stupid.
That, and nobody, or barely anyone, will buy the new Vette, compared to whatever pickup thing ford releases at the same time
Didn’t Ford do something similar with the GT a few years ago? Steal some thunder from the long-teased NSX by dropping the new GT around the same time?
So Ford is planning on stealing the C8's spotlight by having a big reveal the exact same week.
Lapid: “Anything but green.”
They’ve been producing identical 911s since 1963 though.
Officers on scene were unable to determine if the driver was sober, as he refused to speak, exited the vehicle, stood stock still for a second, then fell over. His injuries consisted of a large swelling on the top of his head, and a number of asterisks orbiting his head. Upon inspection of the vehicle, deputies noted…
My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”
Congrats to Dany Bahar for finally getting the Lotus Elan concept into production!
Looks like a Camaro backed into a Pepboys.
I wasn’t. I was trained a bit wiser, honestly. You always position the bike closest to where cars will come from. Take a 4 lane highway....
And that’s also the reason to keep the bike in gear...
A motorcycle safety campaign from the New York City Department of Transportation tells riders to “stay in middle of travel lane,” which would’ve ended poorly in this situation.
You’re a little late for permanent brain damage, that ship has sailed.
I work in human factors and I guaran-damn-tee you people will die using these to bench-press cars