
Turnout is down. It’s down by a lot, so far. This is on us. We didn’t show up and vote. Younger people went around 9% for third parties, if they bothered to show up at all. It’s 2000 all over again — when people don’t show up to vote, Republicans win. How many idiots are going to be standing here a couple years from

I’m ready for Dems in congress to just go full Tea Party. No attempts at governing, just obstruct whatever the opposing party is trying to do and hope you get rewarded come midterms because they’re in charge now and then everything can be blamed on the GOP. Why not?

It’s like these folks came out of the Rust Belt to vote against their own self-interests in order to burn some other disadvantaged folks that they thought were getting a better shake.

So what do the Trump supporters do when there’s no wall, no deportations, and Obamacare gets renamed and retooled but not eliminated?