
Did Beyonce make her wealth by avoiding taxes, paying her employees poverty wages, exploiting loopholes in the tax laws, hiring undocumented workers, fighting union organizing, and encouraging her employees to apply for government benefits instead of paying for it herself?

This is where he destroys his own efforts at being a political influencer; it’s called the Peter Principle.

Simultaneous coronaries would fix a lot of problems!

The mental fitness question is inherently answered when two septogenarians challenge each other to fistfights and push-up contests.

I say go for it. Cheetolini might have a heart attack attempting to do a push up. 

What an odd, beautiful book that was...

You know cooked chicken is just raw chicken, but cooked right?  So start chowing on that raw chicken

Makes me think of Aomame and want to reread 1Q84.


Can I still bake it anyway?

Non-vegans can think vegan’s won the debate, free your mind.

Jim Crow survived for so long because of “local control!” How did he not know or care about that?

This tweet wins everything. I’m dying here.

So, you’re saying this is a TPS report?  

It doesn’t matter.  She needs to speak with moral clarity; even about issues that the House might not be able to do anything about.  She’s bad at that aspect of her job.  

I had some idea that something like this would inevitably happen after that draconian law was passed, but I’m still horrified to have that suspicion confirmed. Fuck you, Alabama.

Nah, it’s much more effective to play for the team and protest the anthem. Look at how much it’s upsetting you - that’s protest in action.

Says the white supremacist trolling a liberal blog.

A bicycle. A Peugeot bicycle.