
“’Allo, guv! ‘Ere! Wot’s this ‘Arvey Weinstein doing with ‘is little tallywacker near me fanny?!”

After never once getting involved with crypto in any way, you bet your ass I am being absolutely insufferable about all this.

I really loved the little joke nods too - Broly power level getting to 9000 and slightly dipping over it lol.

Ok, that was pretty awesome! The way Goku’s hair was drawn reminded me of Spike Spiegel’s and I thought it looked cool. Also, Goku as a monkey Jinchuriki?! Nice! Everyone who worked on this should be incredibly proud, wow.

I think the thing I love most about this video is that it manages to meld the high-flying/ki-blast antiques of DBZ with the chinese mythology of original DB making something literally unique for the franchise.

Because maaaaan...Dragonball is so stuck in a rut now that it’s really frustrating.  The latest DBS arc really

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

I genuinely don’t think they should have released this as F2P, should have just been an MP mode included with the campaign, not a full on live-service part of the game.

My controversial 2 cents.

I’m just so mad now. Fuck the old boomers and delusional fascists that made today happen. I hope and look forward to it backfiring in all of their smug little fucking faces.

Well, can we suck each other off for something else? You can’t just get a guy all in the mood and then stop short like that.


An Elon Musk fan calling other people mindless!

Him defending people who stir up fake outrage over Pride events that nearly gets Patriot Front to start a riot and beat up queer people is plenty reason enough for me to hate him. On top of, y’know, all the other shitty stuff he’s done.

It’s just as fun as watching the “love” elon drones.

Is your life improved by defending a billionaire?

God, this. All the people here in the “believe all women” camp should fucking HATE her for lying and ruining that narrative. As you pointed out, if you lie on the stand and they clearly catch you, it’s over.

“How could they, after listening to three and a half weeks of testimony about how I was an un-credible person, not...believe a word that came out of my mouth?”

These are some of the dumbest commenters I’ve seen in awhile, but in fairness, the misleading title doesn’t help. It should really read: “Planned multiplayer mode for the Last of Us II expanded to full standalone MP title”.

Another survival craft’em up. No matter how many times I try I just can’t get into them.

Ha ha oh yeah you’re right! It actually looks like when he first pulls out the revolver his arm is a normal size but then after the camera zooms out again the arm got super big. Oh jeez what a hilarious mess.

Cowboyin’ WAS a notably lonely profession.