
Go ahead and clean the outside of your ears with them, just don’t jam them inside. 

Me too... and I loathed him there too always going into “The Miz” persona... shoot. me. now.

I’m old enough to remember him as the Mike from The Real World

Man, your post. It’s too good.

Indeed. And if there is money to be made by dissing NFT’s? Well…where do I sign up? 

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

not seen a single positive post or even one that explains what NFT’s can actually be used for

That post made me actually laugh, so thanks.

Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.

Wow, NFTs are so magical! #not.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

I completely forgot Kumail Nanjiani is in this show. Got the Oscar Isaac treatment with Marvel and Star Wars paychecks.

This what happens when you don’t use moisturizer kids

He doesn’t need R2-D2. He needs SPF-30.

It's also possible his publicist told him to just lay down and take the blame because otherwise he'd get massacred by public opinion on the internet by people who just automatically love to jump on the shaming, accusatory bandwagon. My whole point boils down to none of us know the true facts in many of these stories

I agree 100%.

This exchange brings me back to the UVA / Rolling Stone bogus fraternity gang-rape story. When I read an accounting of it on Jezebel and offered the opinion the victim was lying based on her friends’ testimony of that evening, her utter lack of injuries that would have aligned with her story, her past history, and

Fun fact: My first playthrough of Skyrim, I never knew you could sprint. It wasn’t until I got the the “shield charge” ability and couldn’t get it to work that I realized I was never actually sprinting the whole time. I felt completely stupid. I just thought the run was really slow.

The woman is Keke Palmer, she basically outed herself in an Instagram post she did. I can’t think of one well intended, not being purposely malicious, joke that would cause me to complain so hard a movie would shutdown. People have a right to be offended by whatever, but the continued scarlet lettering in the media is