
Oh totally, that’s one plus of having to grind out some monster for a specific item - you definitely get to know that monster! Every time I’ve done that, I come away like pfff you’re a piece of cake now.

Ok, right? So it’s not just me. I’m not trying to brag or anything, but I don’t really find a lot of the high rank fights to be very hard. I made one of the higher sets of armor, and higher switch axes at one point, and just kinda been staying with those. I haven’t really felt super punished or inclined to make

All sounds pretty awesome! I just finished up the last of the missions last night. The new high level missions were actually pretty hard. Looking forward to more challenge!

For real. Same, he hits hard. 

I really really like this change. I watched the whole stream, and in it the devs talked more about why they made the 5 person change. They said at one point that they got a lot of feedback along the lines of “I feel like I am just shooting shields a lot in this game....” and that really resonated with me. Everything

He did an episode on the town I live in, Eureka CA. Placed called Bless My Soul Cafe. And I can indeed say, that place earned it. It’s close now unfortunately, but it was really good.

Haha ya got me! I tried doing the same thing. I’ve done that sit at my computer and refresh page, the last couple times Best Buy released some and on Walmart, no luck.

Man, I know the first sentence is a joke - but that’s what it feels like to me! I’m like, where? Where are all these PS5's? I work in an office with 5 other gamers, and I have an online crew of maybe another 4 or 5 people. Out of all of us, only 1 got a PS5 and we all have been trying. The one that did get one, had to

Ah ok, you definitely know more about it than me! Lol.. That all makes total sense though. And I fully agree on the last paragraph about less is more and setting. I really think they just need to turn back to the core of BF and the modern setting. 

God, I am so ready. I really miss having a Battlefield in the mix of my games. There just isn’t anything else that really scratches that same itch....

Hell YES! I absolutely love Celeste, so this is awesome. I look forward to whatever this studio does. And an action-explore game?? Sign me up.

Man, I am loving the look of this game though in that trailer! The gunplay and gameplay looks super smooth, which is what’s really important in a game like this. I like the look of that side dash too, nice and quick. All the creatures look cool and fun to fight, cool art style. The gameplay kinda gives me a Recore

Ah that is all great to hear! I am super down. I haven’t made it to the endgame yet (as you can obviously tell by my comment).. But I am glad to hear there is at least something. I know I will do all that. And honestly, trimming all that fat? Works for me. I already skip most the cutscenes anyway, they are by far the

I 100% agree with all this! Well said. Game is really fun, I just need more. 

Man, I completely agree with Zack on the live service game thing! I know its an unpopular opinion, but man I just need more... I spend quite a bit of time playing games, and I just inhale games like this. I’m already like lvl 20, and I just feel like I am already “gettin there” in terms of content. And it just bums me

Yea, I agree. I actually started off as the devastator or whatever (rock dude) and I definitely felt weaker and it just wasn’t as fun also.. 

Glad to hear all this! I fully agree with your points. I haven’t made it to endgame yet, but it sounds good...

I can definitely agree with this logic. It is kinda like, well games are a power fantasy right? At the same time there should be some challenge. I like your idea of just making enemies or tactics harder for that class though... My guess is that’s just more work they don’t have time/resources/desire to do. 

Oh I believe you! I am far from endgame. I’m only like 15 hours in or so, so I am sure things change. I just know I was destroying stuff. 

Ah man! My main char is a trickster so this is kind of a bummer. Although, having played a good amount now I can sort of see where they are coming from. I thought it was hella fun, but I was just destroying mobs no problem. So I guesssss it makes sense....