
This is always talked about. This happened in my town, and the field wasnt far from my house. It is a big deal.

Women are mutilated by their partners on such a regular basis that it barely makes the news. In my area alone in the last 2 years a woman’s husband cut her breasts off and a woman who went to my high school had acid thrown in her face by her bf. The acid thrower got a whopping 2 years in prison.

To anyone who’s suffered through the hell of untreated bipolar I (that’s me, hello), watching this man’s suffering is hitting far, far too close to home.

Exactly. Having suffered mental health issues myself, I remember times where I was acting like Kanye and people LOVED it. No, I wasn’t famous or bringing in money, but I was making parties more interesting and doing “artist” things and people were getting entertainment out of my unhealthy behavior. I look back at my

I’ve been super uncomfortable with the making-fun-of-Kanye thing and the declaring-Kanye-the-biggest-genius-of-all-time thng for quite a while now. Because it’s made me feel crazy that seemingly everyone thinks he’s just quirky or weird or has an outsized ego or whatever else when it has been blazingly obvious for

Ew. The Family is fucking creepy as fuck. One guy offered me his wife in Haight-Ashbury once and I practically ran and puked through the panhandle. The Family is for sure in the same league as Scientology.

Or EST, which became Landmark.

Scientology blackmails and cons people out of money all the time. I’m glad she’s suing.

California was awash in cults starting in the 50s, with its peak in the 70s. Scientology is just one of many, many predatory cults of personality that sprang from that fertile time as beatniks, then hippies became disillusioned with their own counter-culture ideologies. This disillusionment led them to

She was 9 and her mom joined for them. Also any $1.5M they don’t have is $1.5M the Co$ can’t use to stalk and sue poorer people who woke up and ditched their asses.

You know that a lot of kids are born or forced into this, right?

She didn’t join, she was raised in the cult. smh

As someone who has read her book it’s more like years of indoctrination and damaging emotional abuse that started when she was a teen. So try again.

I have a cat named Lady Gaga. She has to wear pajamas because of her over grooming. You can feel bad for her. And also think she is adorable.

Simple observation.

When other inmates need to be protected for their own safety, they are thrown in solitary.

^ actually me just now.

Davis is expressing a legitimate fear for her daughter and the realization about how privilege Davis has been and is. She is her right that her daughter does not experience that same privilege. It would be great if a lot of other white parents realized that about their own nonwhite children. Some do and some don’t.

If the tone you were going for in the Kristin Davis section was total asshole, you really nailed it.

I like what Kristin had to say. It’s all exactly right. Take note other interracial adopters. Best of luck to her and her baby girl.