Yes, fuck cancer with a chainsaw.
Yes, fuck cancer with a chainsaw.
I honestly don’t know...last year he apparently made sizeable donations to the Clinton campaign. If he is mentally ill, and obviously I don’t know him personally, but my best friend is bipolar and before she was medicated, when she was manic she would say a lot of truly bizarre shit. Imagining plots against her, super…
I feel like the Beyoncé/Jay-Z rant might’ve been partially because they didn’t reach out to Kanye and Kim after the Paris robbery. He probably feels like he lost two of his close friends. But who knows, I’m just speculating.
so? trump supporters deserve care and compassion too. it could teach them a little bit how to have some of their own to give to others.
With all my intuitive, witchy powers I tell you I have long believed Kanye to be bipolar. Love him, feel for him, he’s a blowhard but brilliant. Let’s try a little compassion- when it comes to mental illness, celebs are really just like us- except sometimes the fishbowl exacerbates the delusions and makes it harder…
Lol. I feel this rant more than I’ve ever felt anything ever.
I did that kind of shit years ago during my Granola Mom Phase. I’m over it.
Who are all these people merrily whipping up batches of home-hummus?
Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?
His trolling is getting so boring. Today I saw him say, “Show me where I’ve ever been racist” to someone. Why even do this shit at all if you’re not going to at least attempt to be clever?
OooOOH! You’re totally going in his burn book now!
It’s a new account every day, and I think he’s having a breakdown with these usernames...
This is why Ashley threw away your mixtape. She was trying to save you from yourself.
Isn’t everyone drunk on St-Patrick’s Day? That’s the whole point of it.
but noteworthy nonetheless.
In Australia we call this type of footwear thongs, not flip-flops.
I vote Abomination.
Fuck this pie there’s no sweet potato in it
Let’s be real: Melania has been keeping away from Donald’s white hose for a while now.