On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner
On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner
can you imagine how many notifications you’d have to clear when you were brought back to life? It makes me anxious just thinking about it.
That sounds like a nightmare, but I still pretty quickly decided on West.
I’ve never watched it. I guess that makes me the longest protester?
I prefer my exploitation of vulnerable people when they’re not famous, like Hoarders and Intervention, thank you very much!
Two things about Ronan Farrow: 1.) He can get it; and 2.) Every time I see that kid he looks more like Frank Sinatra.
As a former teacher: Good. Nobody like this deserves to be a teacher.
In the ranking of who to blame for a Trump presidency, Susan Sarandon is pretty fucking far down the list.
Not enough evidence for a murder charge is not the same as no evidence at all. This is basically the same thing as the two OJ Simpson trials with their different verdicts.
There are other reasons to bring this sort of suit. One of them may have been to finally get a statement from him about the events of the night. He chose not to offer a defense, but they didn’t necessarily know that when they filed the suit. Another may have been to prevent him from earning any money in the future by…
“It is not enough for you to be out of my house. I insist you also be miserable.”
“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”
He’s been obsessive about having kids since he was a young man. It doesn’t seem to be too terribly common in men, you usually see it more with women, I think because our society teaches that women need to have kids to be fulfilled, while men are generally not taught that. I read about his exes, I think it was in his…
Abortions cause low sperm count, obviously.
“Don’t give this guy a baby, make a woman carry one to term for him instead!”
He doesn’t actually want a child, he wants the support that comes with it. As you say, if he’s so desperate to be a father, there are plenty of ways he can do so. That he wants to be a father to this particular embryo speaks volumes about his true intentions.
Don’t get it either. Is he saying (bafflingly) that abortion causes infertility? Or that he didn’t get the chance with ex-girlfriends because they decided to abort instead? Get a new fucking gf asshole (good luck now).
Still, Loeb made the baffling case in a New York Times op-ed last spring that he’s been unable to have kids because two of his ex-girlfriends had abortions.
There’s a pretty stringent screening process for adoptions. Just based on this story alone, I’m guessing this guy hits pretty much all of the “Don’t give this guy a baby,” flags in their system.