I feel bad for the poor suckers in the 3 buildings he actually owns — nothing they can do to get those names off.
I feel bad for the poor suckers in the 3 buildings he actually owns — nothing they can do to get those names off.
Yeah, I’m no feminist expert or know if I fully am, but that entire passage was some bullshit. And this:
Brb, gonna go buy my 4 year old goddaughter a “girls rule, boys drool” t-shirt for her birthday, can’t start too early on implementing the male castration agenda. Cheer up guys, we’re only 160 years away from getting equal pay, perfecting asexual reproduction, and throwing all men into space.
“I also reject the feminist messaging that treats gender issues as a zero-sum game—that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men. You see the beginnings of this even in the schoolyard, with affirmations like, “Girls rule and boys drool.”
I always get weirded out when people do this. Like...come on, you’re just trying to be fake-provocative. Has anyone, in the history of ever, demanded that Internet strangers explain a musician’s catalog to them and walked away with a newfound taste for said music?
Did you...listen to it? Have you read album reviews?
A lagniappe (/ˈlænjæp/ LAN-yap) is “a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase” such as a 13th doughnut on purchase of a dozen
I’m honestly surprised they didn’t in this one. “Lea Michele, boyfriend Cory Monteith died of an accidental overdose, threw an engagement party for a close friend who ALSO had a boyfriend die oddly!” Smdh.
Oh yeah, this isn’t about the age difference. It’s about thinking “meeting” your wife while she was still in a uterus is in any way “funny.”
Lol, I am positive this recipe calls for iceberg, never bibb.
Niemtzow argued that the casino should have known he drank until he got alcohol poisoning at another casino months before, and that his girlfriend also shouldn’t have been served, as she was on probation for drunken driving.
Hypnosis is absolutely real, but you could have had a crappy hypnotist or you could be the type of person who cannot be easily hypnotized: some people are more easily hypnotized than others. There are tests you can take:
I had no idea hypnotizing people worked! I had a hypnotist try to put me in a trance once and it didn’t work so I assumed it was all a sham. This story is crazy scary
If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.
Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,…
This is all, horrifyingly, true.
So let’s talk about how alt-right white nationalist anti-semetic Steve Bannon is one of his senior advisors....
Yes, but at the same time, in a weird way, stories like this give me hope. These choices are going to piss off his base. They were promised “change” and “swamp-draining”, but that isn’t what they are going to get.