I have to disagree and reiterate that in this current political climate, no persons of color win when we demonize black men for speaking up about race bias. You and I as woc lose when we allow this narrative to triumph.
I have to disagree and reiterate that in this current political climate, no persons of color win when we demonize black men for speaking up about race bias. You and I as woc lose when we allow this narrative to triumph.
If you read my reply and that is your only response to the nuances of racism at play here, you are part of the problem.
I don’t think you read what I wrote. I don’t condone his behavior or his interruption of Taylor. I think he expressed a valid frustration in a very inappropriate way. Interesting to me that when a black person speaks up about institutional racism they’re labeled: arrogant, out of control, rude, hateful, a total…
Well, right. That’s what they always say to people of color. Stop whining, it’s not a big deal. It’s only one award. What did Miley Cyrus say about Nikki minaj speaking up? She mocked her for caring about winning a vma. The fact of the matter is, people of color have been institutionally shut out of the privilege of…
I think that’s a very color blind and overly simplistic reading of this situation. Kanye inappropriately expressed the frustration that all people of color feel when our exceptional achievements are consistently ignored and white mediocrity is rewarded instead. He wasn’t trying to be hateful towards Taylor swift, he…
Vikki !
Wait...has he been proven a scam artist? Did I miss something?? Because I watched his show last season and he spoke to someone's dead chuihaha and it gave me hope that my dead dog is waiting in the afterworld for me pls tell me it's not fake?
Not to mention racist. He’s conflating Kanye to OJ because ooooooh scary black man, murderer of innocent white women. It’s gross. It cuts to the heart of the dynamic Taylor has benefited from since the 2009 vma, that she is an innocent white woman being brutalized by a crazed black man.
#whitegirlsmatter is there cause I think
It’s not just the shade it’s the shape. That hair is old. She’s serving Nancy grace realness with that hair. Her hair hasn’t been cool for a while. She’s always doing a swoopy bang situation that reminds me of the original Bieber hairstyle
“An ex-boyfriend of mine used to call me “Moscow,” because he said I was always looking out the window sadly, like “Moscow,” like some Russian novel or Chekhov play.”
I believe you. I’m sorry it happened. (Happened to me too & mom blamed me. Moms can be really wrong sometimes)
totally agree narcissist is a bit more on the nose
I know you didn’t cover it in the recap but I feel like scott’s lack of social awareness was a d-plot this week. It was painful to watch him hand wring over whether or not he should crash kourtney’s birthday to surprise her. Like he couldn’t figure out why she wouldn’t want to spend her birthday with his drunk, rude…
Yea, I’m a sober alcoholic, too. Scott is a textbook drunk you can see it from a mile away and it does get frustrating that they can’t see his obvious alcoholic behaviors- constantly picking fights on family vacations/holidays/birthdays so he has an excuse to storm off and binge, always acting left out yet insisting…
This whole family needs al-anon. I really think they are totally ignorant to wtf addiction even is. They can't even use the word alcoholic or addict when they talk about Scott despite having sent him to rehab several times! It's like there's some sort of disconnect
Yes stealing someone’s pet is messed up! My dog is a rescue from Thailand, he was rescued from a dog meat trade truck that got stopped at the border. the rescue thinks he was a stolen pet. He knows a lot of commands in Thai so somebody took the time to train him. Then somebody stole him to eat him. Then somebody put…
Welsh rarebit is warm cheese sauce on toast ! how am I supposed to get that into my bag?