
This whole display reminds me so much of TomKat era jumping on couches that I have a theory of my own: Taylor & Tom are secret scientologists and they have simply lost their minds a la Tom cruise/Katie Holmes.

I like this woman

Me toooo

Oh also, there’s a little trick that helps when people come over. Usually when someone approaches the door, my dog goes nuts and starts growling and is on the defensive from before the person sets foot inside. But if put your dog on leash and you both go to meet your visitor outside and let your dog say hi and sniff

Is he a rescue? I got my rescue dog last year— this very weekend. It’s such a cool feeling actually training them to do stuff :) I had to train my dog to freaking eat, otherwise he would just gorge himself and then not eat for three days. Now when he eats his breakfast I beam with pride: “that’s my boy! I taught him


Ok fr though...he does look old! That hairline is on its last legs!

Jiff Pom is a straight up dancing monkey dog slave, that little dude is always working.

Totally, and I don't blame them for it— AA sponsors aren't trained psychologists and they're just doing the best they can. I also do understand that their deeper point is to not go through life being a victim of everything and it is empowering to see that you do have control over many situations you previously thought

Are u serious with this? Dude..

I can't

Oh my god this article! That’s exactly what she is; an Aryan goddess for the white people. That’s why it bothers me that so many people are rooting Taylor on in this stupid feud with Kanye: they aren’t really rooting for feminism or Taylor more so than they’re rooting for their Aryan goddess to take down the confident

Yes somebody speaking sense over here. She totally approved it and then acted like she was shocked, a poor little innocent white girl attacked by the big bad black man all over again. I can definitely understand how that upsets Kanye and Kim because I think she's deliberately playing into that trope and it's subtle

? Do police stations just take guns nobody wants anymore? I'm so confused haha

Not to be a jerk but a white t is not an investment worthy item of clothing.

Not to be a jerk but a white t is not an investment worthy item of clothing.

Hubba hubba

I think anyone can say it. There’s an obvious problem with desi culture & women and it seems to be common knowledge. Just a few days ago there was an article on this site about a music video made by Indian college students critiquing cultural misogyny to Katy perry and nobody seemed surprised or offended by it. I

It is indeed very creepy

I couldn’t get over the fact that she had the audacity to saunter into the kitchen in a droopy onesie and go after Luann and that Luann would take her seriously. The whole time we were watching it, my friend and I were like, she looks like one of those monster children that’s telling their parents off while they’re in

That's probably why then. His parents probably raised him according to more conservative Indian values, made him study all the time and not go to parties or hang out or date. The younger brother might be being raised as more of an Americanized teen who basically calls the shots in the house and tells the parents what