
Huh, that IS strange. Indians worship sons, especially eldest ones, so I’m not sure what’s going on there.

Wow. I’m a trained chef and i’ve seen this sort of excuse making for physically and verbally abusive chefs in my industry for years- “sure he threw knives at us, but I created my best dishes under that chef!” Fuck that. That sort of endorsement has allowed abusuve behavior to not only persist but fucking flourish in

Oh my awful. But how very true of Asian cultures and their attitudes towards female children.. :(

I’m desi; this doesn’t surprise me. Our culture treats women like livestock. Like a dog who doesn’t do what you want it to, you punish it. Maybe you beat the dog, maybe you abandon it, maybe you put it down because it refuses to behave. But by and large, love and respect and value for women in our culture is tied up

Is this a humble brag on your baby? I don't get it?

Yassssssss can't wait

Bless this show

YUP exactly !

It is exactly like dating! Something I was also never so good at :\ haha to each his own. I have many friends in the rooms and it works for them and I think it's awesome.

I get what you’re saying; you clearly had a good sponsor. But that’s why AA can be so hit or miss, and for some even triggering (I went to AA in Greenwich village and there are loads of creeps who come in to actually prey on vulnerable young women). For me I found therapy to be a much more safe space to get

Personally I know a lot of trauma survivors in the rooms feel that AA does encourage a self blame culture because we are always told to acknowledge our side of the street and our part in every situation. There are some circumstances though, like rape or molestation or abuse (which many people in AA have been victims)

Haha it’s all good :) I know what you mean, people’s writing is horrible as most online outlets are but I guess I'm just trying to see a positive in this mess for Amber. Usually, in the past People has always deferred to the bigger star to ensure that they can continue to have access to them and exclusives in the

I mean...ok? I’m glad that some media outlets seem to be on her side.

Lol try to comprehend.

So...tmz is clearly on team Johnny and people magazine seems to be team Amber. Fwiw I think it’s a good sign that people has sided with Amber in the media coverage of this case...they have a lot more credibility with the public than TMZ. But ugh...this is bad. The fact that she has a previous arrest is now going to be


Foreign object is used to describe anything inserted that isn't a sexual organ including another part of the body so in this case foreign object is his fingers :( so yucky

I’ve read a number of places that the info comes from the perp himself from his interview the night of the incident. He claims he never removed his pants and that his penis was never exposed. Further test results confirmed no semin was found on her clothes/body. Who even knows because the information is coming from

They’ve also released his mugshot from the night of the rape

Haha thank you for understanding the snark. This guy is bad vibes :\