
I'm awful but, as soon as I read the headline I assumed tyga stole her identity and took out some credit cards or some shit haha. Surprised that it's some sort of identity theft that doesn't seem to have been perpetrated by the Lyga himself. You got away easy this time, Rose! Kylie....not so much (dude supposedly owes

UGHHHHH the “luman” joke was horrible. All the women are so jealous of the countess because she’s beautiful and hasn’t appeared to have touched her face at all.

So true

Carole may be worse bc she's just a mean girl tag along. Her complaining to dorinda that LUANN was yelling at everyone at making everyone uncomfortable?! Um hello? You mean your bff bethenny? Awful

Watching Bethenny verbally assault Luann over and over at dorinda’s Christmas party gave me serious anxiety. Right or wrong, point or no point, there is a nastiness that emanates from every scene she’s in this season that makes this show deeply unpleasant to watch. I used to love bethenny too! But her rampages against

Hahaha what a little shit! My mom used to threaten to kick me out of the car and when she finally did I also refused to get back in lol. She'd have to drive slowly along the shoulder pleading with me to get back in while I was taunting her for having kicked me out in the first place. Man I was such a bad kid I feel

LOL the Beyoncé of dogs

Yassss queen 😍 She’s got that unfazed glamour look, like “pick your jaws off the floor, peasants. I’m gorgeous, deal with it.”

I too have a mesmerizingly beautiful dog. He hypnotizes me into feeding him salami. I am powerless to his persuasion.

This is how I feel about pretty much every sequel ever. Who asked for this??!

I'm Indian and the name sounds Indian to me...maybe South Indian? Although I don't think this is an instance in which the public will blame Indians or Indian culture at large; this seems to be a personal vendetta not violence inspired by culture or religion.

What the what?! This story just got super creepy

Exactly what I thought. It’s a nice, general apology. But he threw out multiple very specific criticisms and insults and now he seems mortified.. Seems like he had a major lapse in judgment maybe via alcohol? They say it was a phone interview maybe he drunk dialed it in.

Lol !

YES love never let me go!!

Yup that’s exactly how I felt: some friend you were, man. This guy seems exactly like what he feared he would look like: a sycophant, a hanger on. A real friend tells you the truth, not just what you want to hear. And now, after you’ve allowed your “friend” to succumb to the harm you’ve been observing but keeping to

As a person of color who has happily lived in various parts of Brooklyn and queens since childhood, please stfu. Let me guess. You’re white and not even a New Yorker but you’re here to talk about which neighborhoods suck and are being ruined by people like you moving in? Right, because you were here pre-gentrification

Gonna have to start calling him Lyga.

My dog is on chicken flavored liquid Prozac that I have to squirt into his mouth with a syringe. Thank god for compounding pharmacies!

My dog looks at the camera and legit hams it up because he’s sassy af ;)